The Bank of Japan decided to keep its benchmark interest rate steady at 0.25% today. The central bank highlighted that Japan’s economy has shown moderate...
Tag - Government
The cybersecurity agencies of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand) issued a warning on Tuesday that hackers...
Women’s clothes are high on the government’s agenda once again in Tajikistan, where authorities and Islamic leaders are working on new guidelines...
The government is considering scrapping the idea of expanding the range of older residents who must pay out of their pockets 20% of the costs of elderly care...
Welcome to the 21st century: as part of its ongoing digitization efforts, Japan’s telling schools that fax machines are so yesterday. Students’ names and...
A branch of Japan’s government has used Minecraft to demonstrate how it plans to build a real-world dam. As Automaton Media reports, a YouTube account...
Brussels (16/11 – 83) Sri Lanka is still dealing with the aftermath of its most devastating economic crisis since independence, a...
Colombo: Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday presented his government’s 2024 budget, emphasising the need for tough reforms until the...
London, Dublin (1/11 – 66) Hamas is sheltered in a sea of civilians. Ostensibly a Palestinian political and military organization established in 1987, Hamas...
イスラエルでの戦争が激化する中、ハマスとユダヤ国家の間で紛争の物語をコントロールしようとする継続的な闘争が展開されている。 このプロパガンダ合戦は目新しいものではなく、少なくとも2014年からイスラエルとパレスチナ武装勢力の間の激しい行動と共存していることが長年観察されてきた。...