China Nuclear Power (601985) Sold 26.782 Million Yuan of Main Funds On February 22
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China Nuclear Power (601985) Sold 26.782 Million Yuan of Main Funds On February 22

As of the close on February 22, 2023, China Nuclear Power (601985) closed at 6.03 yuan, down 0.33%, with a turnover rate of 0.42%, a turnover of 798,300 lots, and a turnover of 482 million yuan.

In terms of capital flow data on February 22, the net outflow of main funds was 26.782 million yuan, accounting for 5.55% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot money funds was 11.1871 million yuan, accounting for 2.32% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 15.5949 million yuan, accounting for Turnover 3.23%.

China Nuclear Power’s 2022 third quarterly report shows that the company’s main operating income is 52.703 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.5%; the net profit attributable to the parent company is 8.031 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.3%; In the third quarter, the company’s single-quarter main business income was 18.131 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.78%; the single-quarter net profit attributable to the parent company was 2.594 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.96%; the single-quarter non-net profit was 2.602 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.19%; the debt ratio 66.6%, investment income 167 million yuan, financial expenses 5.951 billion yuan, gross profit margin 50.08%. China Nuclear Power (601985) main business: power generation, power transmission, power supply business; general equipment repair; intelligent power transmission and distribution and control equipment sales; power transmission and distribution and control equipment manufacturing; technical services, technology development, technical consulting, technical exchanges, technology Transfer, technology promotion; investment and development of clean energy projects; investment and investment management of power transmission and distribution projects. .

In the last 90 days, a total of 13 institutions have rated the stock, and 13 have a buy rating; the average target price of the institutions in the past 90 days is 9.02. According to the financial report data of the past five years, the Securities Star valuation analysis tool shows that China Nuclear Power (601985) has an excellent competitive moat in the industry, average profitability, and average revenue growth. There may be financial risks, and financial indicators with hidden worries include: monetary funds/total asset ratio, interest-bearing asset-liability ratio, financial expenses/money fund ratio, accounts receivable/profit rate, accounts receivable/profit rate for the past 3 years increase. The stock has 2 stars for good company indicators, 3.5 stars for good price indicators, and 2.5 stars for comprehensive indicators. (Indicators are for reference only, indicator range: 0 ~ 5 stars, the highest is 5 stars)

Explanation of the term of capital flow: refers to the inversion of capital flow through price changes. When the stock price is rising, the transaction volume formed by active buying orders is the force driving the stock price up. This part of the transaction volume is defined as capital inflow. When the stock price is falling, the transaction volume generated by active selling orders is the force driving the stock price down. Partial turnover is defined as outflow of funds. The difference between the two on that day is the net force that drives the stock price up after the two forces balance out on that day. Calculate the main capital flow, hot money capital flow and retail capital flow through the transaction amount of each transaction.

Source: Stockstar
