China Displays Giant Panda Back From Japan to Foreign Media
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China Displays Giant Panda Back From Japan to Foreign Media

One of three giant pandas that had been returned from Japan to China in February was displayed to foreign media on Saturday.

Touhin, her sister Ouhin and their father, Eimei, left for China after spending years at a theme park in the town of Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan.

They are now kept at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan Province.

Touhin slowly approached bamboo, the animal’s favorite food, arranged by the staff and started munching it.

The staff member said Touhin sometimes looked puzzled at first in an unfamiliar environment in China. But she reportedly has now started playing with fellow pandas.

Her elder sister, Ouhin, is also in good shape. But she barely comes out to places with many spectators, probably because of her shy character.

Eimei will turn 31 years old on Thursday, the human equivalent of 90, and is reportedly doing well. Center officials said they are studying changes in an elderly panda’s health conditions by observing Eimei.

Source : NHK
